
Feb 15, 2011


It is like “today” spelled wrong!  When I use this word people look at me funny. “Do you mean today?” they often ask. Nope! I mean just that: Tokay (tok-eye)!

Tokay means buddies, pals, and partners in crime in Haitian Creole.  It is a very specific Haitian word, for a very specific set relationship.

 People who shares first names are said to be “tokay”. Twins are naturally, as in every culture very close so in creole we say they are "Tokay". Tokay is our creole version of “Bff"... a much tighter Bff” though. Tokays tell each other the truth; however ugly it may be.

You might be thinking right now, "Why Haitian Creole needs a word for something so specific?" It is a mystery. All I know is that "tokays" are Souls bound. My grandpa told me so.